

  • Agencia I+D+i: PICT

    Instrumento de la Agencia Nacional de Promoción de la Investigación, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (Agencia I+D+i) que brinda apoyo económico al trabajo de investigadores, becarios y becarias de todas las ramas de la Ciencia y Tecnología.

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  • Asactei: PEIC

    A través de SF PEIC I+D se financian proyectos para la generación de nuevos conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos, desarrollados por investigadores pertenecientes a instituciones públicas y/o privadas sin fines de lucro radicadas en Santa Fe.

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The Foundation for the Scientific and Technological Promotion of Rosario and its Region (Roscytec) was founded in Rosario on April 28, 2003 by the CCT-Rosario (then Cerider), which is the regional delegation of Conicet in the city of Rosario. Its activity of administration and promotion of science is related and coordinated with those of research and development carried out by the institutes created by the Conicet in the different branches of knowledge, which lead the activity of the foundation. To the 6 original institutes, Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación - IRICE -, Instituto de Biología Celular y Molecular de Rosario - IBR -, Instituto de Física Rosario - IFIR -, Instituto de Fisiología Experimental - IFISE -, Instituto de Química Rosario - IQUIR -, and Centro de Estudios Fotosintéticos y Bioquímicos - CEFOBI -, were added the institutes created later, Centro Internacional Franco-Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y Sistemas - CIFASIS -, Instituto de Inmunología Clínica y Experimental de Rosario - IDICER -, Instituto de Estudios Críticos en Humanidades - IECH -, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias de Rosario - IICAR -, Investigaciones Socio-históricas Regionales - ISHIR - and Centro Universitario Rosario de Investigaciones Urbanas y Regionales - CURDIUR -. 

Since its creation, its purpose has been to carry out works for the common good consisting in the promotion of scientific activity and technological innovation through the strengthening of the scientific-technological system and the link between it and the productive sector, as well as to promote and assist in all educational, scientific and technological activities that contribute to the development of Rosario and its area of influence.

The Roscytec Foundation, in its role as a Technological Linking Unit, under the terms of Law 23.877, seeks to facilitate the interaction between the organizations that make up the scientific and technological system and the public, productive and service sectors that demand the incorporation of knowledge.

As a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), the Roscytec Foundation has full legal capacity to acquire assets and incur obligations, and may enter into all kinds of legal acts directly or indirectly related to the fulfillment of its foundational purpose.

Its status as a Technological Linking Unit, from its origin to the present, naturally makes it an entity capable of acting in all areas of knowledge.

Also, as an NGO operating in the field of private law, it is in a position to assimilate and hire those specialists that are indispensable to carry out specific studies.

As an Administration Unit of public and private resources destined to support the execution of Research and Development activities, it has a solid institutional and administrative structure. As such, it is permanently audited by State Control Organisms and by the financing entities.


To support the work of the research institutes that form it in everything related to their relationship with funding entities and the transfer of knowledge to the regional productive environment.  


To become a Foundation that provides excellent services to contribute to the execution of scientific and technological research and the corresponding support activities, aiming at the scientific and technical progress of the region, the development of the economy of the area and the improvement of the quality of life, considering the guidelines established by the National and Provincial Governments.


  • To facilitate the work of research institutes.
  • To promote the link between the scientific and productive sectors.
  • Disseminate the human, scientific and technological potential of the region to the rest of the world.
  • To disseminate the progress of science applied to production, services and the improvement of the quality of life.Facilitar la tarea de los institutos de investigación.



Dra. Cristina Carrillo (CCT)

Dra. Sandra R. Fernández (CCT)

Dr. H. Fabio Busnengo (IFIR)

Dr. Pablo M. Granittto (CIFASIS)

Members of the Board
Dra. M. Fabiana Drincovich (CEFOBI)
Dr. Javier Fedele (CURDIUR)
Ing. Javier Martínez (CCT-UAT)
Dr. Juan Pablo Ortiz (IICAR)
Dr. Javier Palatnik (IBR)
Dra. Ana Rosa Pérez (IDICER)
Dra. Patricia San Martín (IRICE)
Dr. Enrique Sanchez Pozzi (IFISE)
Dra. Sandra Signorella (IQUIR)

CPN Marisol González Morlan

Administration of Projects, Agreements and Technological Services
CPN Alicia Longo
CPN Isabel Zanoni
Celeste Bolmaro
Janina Rabotnikoff